Rev. Christopher Steck, S.J.

Contact Information:
422 New South
687-9294 (Office)
687-4352 (Residence)
Cooking, animals and the environment, discussions about higher education, science fiction
Apostolic Pursuits:
11 am Mass in Dahlgren Chapel; residential minister–New South Hall; Thursday night Mass, followed by brownies and quesadillas (New South at 10 pm)
Interesting Facts:
Fr. Steck received a patent for an electronic circuit he designed while he was an engineer at Texas Instruments. He was caretaker of an earlier Jack the Bulldog (2003-2015), that was the model for the bulldog statue outside the Healey Family Student Center.
Favorite Books:
Graham Greene’s The Power and the Glory; Frank Herbert’s Dune; Johannes Metz’s Poverty of Spirit.
Favorite Quotes:
“I can only choose within the world that I can see … at crucial moments of choice most of the business of choosing is already over.” – Iris Murdoch
“Hate was just a failure of imagination.” – Graham Greene