Rev. J. Leon Hooper, S.J.

Contact Information:
202-687-4250 (Office)
Links between systematic theologies and religious social ethics; religious freedom in civil and ecclesial societies; science fiction as social casuistry; western Irish air and bogs
Interesting Facts:
Born into, raised, and still a member of the Ruthenian (Byzantine) Catholic rite. Grew up in the 1940s and 50s with English liturgies, married priests with ten kids (including an uncle), and no fish on Fridays, but still in good standing with the pope. Vatican II was a relief. My grandparents on the other side of the family were Presbyterian missionaries to the Philippines.
Favorite Quote:
“In the things of God it is perilous to misplace either one’s agnosticism or one’s gnosticism. The risk is the loss of one’s God, who is lost both when he ceases to be God, because no longer unknown, and when he ceases to be our God, because not known at all.” (John Courtney Murray, S.J. The Problem of God)