Rev. Charles Currie, S.J.

Contact Information:
202-687-7567 (Office)
202-258-6256 (Cell)
Interesting Facts:
Fr. Currie began his academic career as part of the chemistry faculty at Georgetown, specializing in photochemistry. He returned to Georgetown to direct the university’s Bicentennial Celebration and in 1989 was named special assistant to the President to coordinate the university’s response to the assassination of the Jesuit priests in El Salvador. Currently, he is collaborating on Jesuit Commons, an international effort to link Jesuit higher education with marginalized populations served by Jesuits worldwide.
He has served as president of both Wheeling College and Xavier University and as rector of the Jesuit Community at St. Joseph’s University. In 1997 he became president of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities. Fr. Currie has served on numerous boards of trustees of colleges, high schools, and various organizations and associations. He is the recipient of 16 honorary degrees and numerous awards.
Apostolic Pursuits:
Higher education issues, including building national and international collaboration among Jesuit universities and serving poor and marginalized populations; Ignatian spirituality
Justice issues, the environment, faith and public life, reading, and sports
Favorite Book:
The Divine Milieu, Teilhard de Chardin